Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who wins?

  • Hector or Achilles (watch the movie 'Troy')?
  • A small gift with lot of love or an expensive gift without any love?
  • A good product with no sales pitch or a bad product with a hyperbolic sales pitch?
  • A guy who speaks lot of sense in not so fluent English or a guy who speaks nonsense in fluent English?
  • A guy who has a simple bike with tankful of petrol in it or a guy who has a high-end bike but very little petrol in it?
  • A not so good-looking woman with a heart of gold or a gorgeous woman with no heart at all?

I want the former to win, but it is always the latter who/what wins.


Su said...

I agree with you :) .. I support the former.

Videhi said...

Good attempt to differentiate the truthful and showy ones. Unfortunately the latter are the chosen ones! However..ultimately the former may uncover while all the precious and productive time is gone by..

Firoz Malayan ,PMP said...

Why do u think actors make big money??? Same way, those who fake it, make it big..or get tat girl.. wutevr..